Festool CT Workcenter WCR 1000 Review

I've toyed with the idea of buying the Festool WCR 1000 Workcenter to mount on top of my CT36 Dust Extractor for a while. The WCR 1000 seems like the perfect way to make a dedicated sander cart, but I wasn't sure. I had the opportunity to get one to try it out. So far I like it.

Watch the Full Unboxing and Set Up

Festool’s Product Description:

"The CT Workcenter WCR 1000 is designed to change the way you organize and arrange your workspace, helping you to work more efficiently than ever before. The CT Workcenter provides a convenient way to keep your tools and accessories close at hand, without cluttering your valuable workspace. The CT Workcenter can be mounted easily to all of Festool's larger Dust Extractors, enabling freedom of movement throughout the shop or jobsite. The CT Workcenter features numerous options for hanging an assortment of tools and accessories, plus height-adjustable columns, allowing for easy storage of task-specific Systainers, keeping critical items within arms reach. Compatible with Festool CT Cyclone."

Is it Worth Buying?

Is the Festool WCR 1000 Worth Buying? That’s a hard question to answer. For me it was, but I’ll admit this was purely a “Luxury purchase.” What I mean by that is most of my tool purchases have an expected ROI (Return on investment). Mostly by time saved. This however was just to make my life in the shop a little bit easier. The 3-4 seconds this tool saves me day to do will eventually add up, but at the same time it’s pretty expensive.

So should you buy a WCR 1000? If you’re in a dedicated shop space, do a lot of sanding, already have a CT 26/36/46, and don’t have any other pressing tool needs…Then sure, if you want it.

I did and I’m happy to have it.

Robert Dailey

I build custom furniture and cabinetry to help you make your home both beautiful and functional.


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